Desperate in Dubai has been banned in Dubai. Apparently.
I'm absolutely gutted.
All my hard work, the hours I spent laboriously slaving over each word I wrote, each emotion I conveyed, each story I told, each character I created, suddenly feels like a glorious waste of time.
What makes it worse is that it was allowed in for a good couple of months. It kept selling out whenever the stocks were replenished. My publishers have printed the second print run. I finally started to feel proud of myself.
That sensation I felt whenever I saw it on bookshelves - that stirring in my stomach, swelling in my heart - was absolutely amazing. Incomprehensible. Indigestible. Inexplicable Irreplaceable.
And now I wonder if I'll ever feel it again.
For those who want to get hold of a copy - your best bet is to order it from And when you read it, I'm sure you'll wonder why it was banned. If you come up with a justifiable explanation, please enlighten me. :(
I hadn't heard of your book. But now I have thanks to it being Banned. And the fact that its Banned makes me want to read it. So maybe its a blessing in disguise!
I guess it was just too close to the truth, and the ban has just confirmed it. I bought it via, and it was worth every cent. Don't let this get you down, rather let it motivate you to write more incredible books. You don't just have fans in Dubai, we're all over the world. Well done and keep it up!
il7mdillah i bought the book before it got banned and im reading it but i still dont get why they banned it and my aunt read it oo galatlee lazim agraah w3yabha and she was a bit sad ina mn3oo galat too bad its a really great and alot of people should hace read it 3ndna especially that its in pur city wwayed 3aybina thank you for the book :D
- el swaida
Because of hypocrisy. You know mounafikoun, just like Moe and his father. They think that they are actually "allowed" to do it all but not Lady Luxe...when in fact she is the product of them both, but they cannot accept it, so they aren't going to let you put it in black & white...and just like everything else in Dubai it took them this many months to realize!!! not surprised...
am not surprised...just like everything else it takes them months and months to realise.
Why? because of know monafikoun...just like Moe and his father, they think they can do anything but not Lady Luxe when she is actually their product...Although am more choked by their TV programs & channels, advertisment more than ur book...hypocrisy no other word.
Ask your publisher to sell it from the Al Fair grocery chain book selections in Oman;)
"Girls of Riyadh" is banned in KSA. But that's how I ended up reading it in here.
I agree with anon. The hypocrisy of society is why they banned it.
That explains why I couldn't find it anywhere in Dubai!
Congratulations. You have just made history. The best books have been banned throughout history because they have hit too close to the truth. I, for one, look up to you.
It's because one of the characters is a local slut. Emaratiyat can't be sluts therefore the book was banned. Simples.
Truly sorry though, they were stupid to let it be sold in the first place. I guess it didn't attract much attention of the censorship board until it got popular!
dont worry...theres still ways of getting hold of it n no1 can stop glad i got my copy wen it was 1st on uread...i really hope u write many more books 4 readers like me. mwah mwah
I tried buying it from AD airport but they didn't have it -_-
they banned it cuz its not too close to the truth. it is the god damn truth. hypocrites
i called every single book store in dubai but i couldnt find the book. my friend has a copy though ill borrow it. im sure your book is one of the best.
I just bought it 3 days ago from Book Corner in Abu Dhabi Marina Mall!
I've only seen the book at the store in Dubai Mall, where I immediately bought it. And I really like it.
I actually know an Emirati princess.
So I know Jennifer is a fictional character. Which is, I think, more of an accomplishment than just taking a real person and changing the name.
I put Jennifer up there with Holly Golightly as a brilliant artistic invention.
I tried to get a copy but everywhere i go its out of stock and that pisses me off .. i ordered mine from and im still waiting for it to get delievered ... the banned story is very silly seriously ..
babe you should be happy that it is banned here in Dubai, this will definetly make people want to buy and read it!! remember curiosity killed the cat ;)
I was in Dubai last week and it was for sale in Vigin Megastore in Burjuman.
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